Avoid Needing Expensive Treatment Later: Know the Signs of Hepatitis Early

A lot is known nowadays about hepatitis and this is a good thing. This diagnosis will affect your liver’s functions.

Like all conditions, the sooner treatment begins the better chance of controlling the condition.

The liver purifies the blood, produces vital protein and performs other important bodily needs. Learn all you can and seek treatment as soon as possible.

Be aware of changes in your body’s energy and read the text below to learn how hepatitis is spread. Being aware may save you from more extensive tests and procedures.

Unfortunately, some patients have no noticeable symptoms. Others may notice yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes, poor appetite or nausea, and vomiting, stomach pain or diarrhea. Low energy combined with the other symptoms should not be ignored.

Even if a person has no symptoms, the Hepatitis virus can still cause the liver’s tissue to become inflamed. Ignoring chronic symptoms may lead to scarring the liver, liver failure or cancer. Acute hepatitis, however, is temporary and generally resolves on its own.

There are five types of hepatitis, the mildest form is A, which is a short-term condition. Hepatitis B and Hepatitis C are the most common and both require long-term treatment. Hepatitis D is serious a liver disease, however, it is very rare. A patient must have Hepatitis B present before D can develop. Hepatitis E and G are also rare.

Since this condition is a viral infection, treatment focus is on antiviral medication. These medications stop the growth of the virus and slow down damage to the liver. Immunomodulators are also included in the treatment plan to aid your immune system.

Patients should also develop a healthy lifestyle in addition to medical treatments. Add fruits, vegetables, and proteins to your diet and get plenty of rest. Keep yourself hydrated, plenty of liquids are essential.

The Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) has established a criteria for those at risk for Hepatitis. These include:

  • you were born between 1945 and 1965
  • people with organ transplants or transfusions
  • anyone who has received transfusions or organs from an infected person
  • those with weakened immune systems
  • injecting drugs increases risks
  • you received a blood transfusion or organ before July 1992
  • you are a long-term dialysis patient
  • any signs and symptoms of liver disease as described
  • you have HIV

Consult your doctor and the CDC website for more facts.

Questions and Answers:

There is a lot of information about hepatitis. It can be confusing, below are some frequently asked questions:

Q: When should you be tested for hepatitis?

A: If you meet any of the CDC’s criteria, particularly if have injected drugs or shared drug paraphernalia. Also, if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned above, your doctor may suggest the test.

Q: What does the test require?

No preparation is needed. You will only need to provide a blood sample. If necessary, a physical examination, imaging or a biopsy will be scheduled.

Q: What is the HBV vaccination?

A: The hepatitis B vaccine is a short series of shots that will prevent the disease for a lifetime. It is given to newborns and children who are age 18 or younger.

Q: Does my occupation increase infection risks?

A: If you work at a hospital, health facility or as an emergency medical provider follow all precautions mandated by your employer.

Q: What is the relationship between Hepatitis B and liver cancer?

A: Globally Hepatitis B is the leading cause of liver cancer.