Shop For These Foods to Help With High Cholesterol

High cholesterol is something all people need to be concerned about. Whether someone has high cholesterol and are trying to lower it, or they want to keep their cholesterol at a healthy level, there are foods they can buy that will help.

High cholesterol puts a person at risk for heart disease, peripheral artery disease, and stroke. It can lead to a buildup of plaque in the arteries, which narrows them and can lead to a decreased blood supply to the brain. The inclusion of certain foods can introduce more fiber into someone’s diet. There are different kinds of cholesterol. LDL cholesterol is considered to be bad because it results in plaque, which can break off and cause a heart attack. HDL is considered good because it can help protect and reduce the chance of stroke, heart disease, and peripheral artery disease. It is important for people to lower their LDL and increase their HDL. Here are some foods that might help reduce high cholesterol.

1 - Whole and Multi-Grain Foods

Eating whole and multi-grain foods increase your intake of soluble fiber, like beta glucan. This kind of fiber works by forming a gel that attaches itself to the cholesterol while it is in the small intestines. This prevents the cholesterol from entering the bloodstream. It is then expelled through feces. Whole grains can be found in many kinds of cereal, bread, and other foods, like oatmeal. Lowering cholesterol by eating these kinds of foods have a positive effect on someone’s health because cholesterol can be damaging to the heart and arteries.

2 - Fatty Fish

Eating fish can help with lowering your cholesterol. When you stop eating meat and replace it with fish, you can get the benefit of the Omega-3 fats that fish has. Omega-3 fats help reduce triglycerides in the blood. Triglycerides are dangerous because they result in the buildup of plaque on the walls of your arteries. Because the body does not create its own, Omega-3 rich foods or supplements are important. This fatty acid helps control blood clotting and functions to create a better flow of waste and nutrients in the cells. Examples of fish include tuna, salmon, and herring.

3 - Fruits and Vegetables

Again, fruits and vegetables can be fiber rich and provide the benefits that increased fiber has on the body and your cholesterol levels. Fruits and vegetables are full of soluble fiber, which is shown to lower LDL cholesterol. Foods like apples, strawberries, broccoli, and sweet potatoes are excellent sources of soluble fiber. Furthermore, fruits and vegetables are full of plant sterols, which can also help reduce cholesterol. These sterols block the absorption of cholesterol in your intestines.

4 - Nuts

Nuts are full of unsaturated fats. These replace some of the saturated fats that people ingest. By lowering your saturated fats, you are lowering the creation of more LDL. Nuts, on the other hand, will help increase HDL (good cholesterol) and lower LDL. Incorporating them into your diet will help lower your cholesterol, which will in turn help keep your heart healthy and lower the risk of heart attacks and other health problems. Some of the best nuts to eat are almonds, walnuts, and pecans.

5 - Beans

These are packed with soluble fiber and they take time to be digested by the body. Soluble fiber helps the body because it assists with the movement of material through the digestive system. It also helps prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol through the bloodstream while it is in the intestines. Beans provide fiber, plant protein, minerals, and vitamins. These all play a part in lowering cholesterol and keeping the body functioning optimally and creating a healthier lifestyle.